
Hey Extra Foods?

You Can Suck My Balls <3

Found A Much Better Job Paying 16$ An Hour! Okay.. Its Still In The Deli, But Its At Safeway.. So.. Meh. 16$/Hr Makes Me Rethink Hating My Job. And, while we are on the brighter side of things, My Doctors Appointment Today Went Very Well. I'm back on Dexedrine, but this time at a higher dose. Lets see how well it goes this time. Tomorrow I'll be working on my homework after about 4/5 weeks of nothing.. While I was out this afternoon I picked up a few things. Amongst the Highlight Kit, and Coin Rollers. I've gotten another cookie tin, and acne things. The cookie tin is so I can bring all my baked goods to the lovely ladies at coles, rather.. The acne kit is the reason I'm giving away the baked goods to start with.. Yeah.. I've also picked up a book I've seen around a few times, 'The Hunger Games' - Suzanne Collins. I really suggest giving it a read. Not only twisted in many ways, but thought provoking and simply jarring. And at only 8 dollars, I thought I'd snag up the last one. Along with the best book mark ever (for free in trade for baked goods) ((See Photo Above)) Mine is pink, and the lady said it was to keep my place in my cookbook, so I know what cookies I've Made And Brought In For Them.


  1. Anonymous13/11/10

    i've got hunger games on my reading list, might order it if i'm a good girl this week :)

  2. oooh that book sound good as. its amazing how more money can make work seem more bearable :P
