
[Hey smile! No, really smile..]

Cause your smile is simply dashing.

After a few hours of walking around Stanley park, he says it;
"I read your blog."
To be honest, my heart raced, couldn't breath for a moment, maybe more.
"You did..? All of it?"
I asked, but didn't really want an answer.
"Ya, all of it."
*Deep Breath* "What did you think..?"
*Holds Breath* "Ya, honestly.."
"It made me cry. Just knowing you on this personal level, and then reading this, other side of you. It hit me pretty hard. You have this great way of writing.."

Of all the things he could have said, of all the out comes to this situation, I really didn't expect this one.

I was so tempted to stop writing, to be honest, to stop my entries in this blog. You've all seen the large time gaps of my absence. But I've realized, as mush as I'd like to get pass this stage in my life, I'm not quite done here. I really have much more to learn, and even more to learn about myself. When the time comes, I'll know it. But that's far from now. Until then, I have my writing and art, my aspirations and dreams, and always my adventures with friends, great friends.

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