
[Obligatory New Years Day Post.]

I realized this morning.. This is the first post of my fifth year writing this blog. 

I've been here, and pouring my soul out to this blog, for four whole years. And I've just gotta say, so much has happened.. So many people that I've met that have truly helped me through so many things. I'm honestly not sure I'd be here today, still writing, if it wasn't for the amazing friends I've made. 

Through this blog, I've hit rock bottom, and experienced complete happiness. I've fought and overcome so very much through my time here.. I've dropped out of school, and then worked very hard to still graduate. I've traveled to a few new places, and seen amazing sights. I've grown as a person, and I think I'm finally starting to find out who I really am.

As cliche as it really is, This Is Just The Beginning.
I'm scared and so very excited. 

Life is starting, and I'm ready to see where I can go.

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