
There Are Moments Like These

That Make Your Heart Smile. Moments That You Realize, Life Isn't So Darn Bad.

I was walking home, slightly tipsy, when this song came on my iPod.. I stopped and smiled..

I realized that even though life down right blows, I have so many friends, and so many things to be happy about.. That sure, life really isn't fun right now, but that's okay, because I have love and support and most of all, friendship.

I Stood There And I Realized For The First Time In My Life.. I Couldn't Kill My Self. I have too many people in this world that mean so much to me, their happiness means so much to me.. I couldn't bare knowing that I hurt these people by carelessly ending my life.. That I have to keep pushing, for these people, but most of all, myself. I have to keep pushing forward for the future, for my future and my dreams. Cause I'm going to make it somewhere.

So no matter how bad things get, it'll be okay, everything will be okay.

And I continued walking home, smiling bright and singing along to this song.

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