
Nyquil and little smirks.

And everything in between.

I think I'm getting a stress induced cold/flu.. and that just makes my hurting teeth hurt more. I was talking to Jason last night about my teeth pains.. we think it might be from the years of purging and they are finally just failing me now. Stomach acid will do that.

Not that's what I'll tell the dentist.

On a side note.. I can't get that smirk outta my head..
It makes my knees weak.. in the best possible way..

I've sent a total of 47 emails to potential rooms for rent. And only three replies. I went and saw a place yesterday, 460$ ish max a month, but the room is tiny and even though I'm not in a place to be picky, I'd like to look at a few other at least before I commit.

Jason and I finally sat down and had a chance to talk. Yeah I know.. it was about as much fun as it sounds. But it had to happen and I'm very glad that it did. He is still holding on to the romantic aspect and what not, but I can't blame him. I do feel like the biggest shit in the world about hurting him like this.. but we are just so much more compatible as friends. Infact, after our talks we had some beer and pizza and watched King of the Hill. It was really just what we needed.

I get to spend Christmas over at Nayas' and I'm simply ecstatic about that news! I might be a broke joke.. but I tried to buy everyone at least something. Cause everyone deserves something thoughtful from a loved one.

I asked my new friend from the irc about making me a recovery bracelet, a simple chain with a few coloured stones to represent my self harm, depression, anxiety, and eating disorder. And then one or two stones hanging from it. The stones hanging down will be white, the colour of recovery.

I've seen a few other disorder bracelets as of late and identified myself to these people, but pointed to my PT unity bracelet instead.. and as much as I love my PT unity bracelet, I feel a new chapter has started.. and I'm ready for my recovery beads.

But again.. I'm a broke joke.. but Dellys' jewelry is so wonderful.. it would simply mean thre world to me if a new friend like that could make this deeply meaningful and symbolic thing for me.. but Gah.. it's so expensive..

I guess my recovery chapter will have to wait a little longer.

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