
Oh The Joy Of the Little Pills.

ADD Meds. Nuff Said. (will spell check later :P )

Got a list of things todo, Got A List Of Things To Buy. Doing my home work, and well. I'm HAPPY TODAY~! Big news I know. but really. I feel it in me, I feel alright today and well its a huge step. 

I getting a few PT and TD friends to help with a new meal/workout plan for me, and once I have that struchure I know other things will be fast to follow. Once I get some homework out today I'll feel a tad less stressed. And another doc appointment soon for a higher dose of ADD meds, so I'll be in white alot more often :)

 (you might notice I talk about White And Blue Days often, if you've ever read the book Purge, ((the authors name i cant recall right now..)) But the main girl is a tad bipolor and the way she discirbes her feelings and the stiwch between them is just how I feel, So for those that havent read the book, Blue days are depression for no known reason, and white days are normel/happy days, hope this helps make more sence of my rambles)

I feel I'm more connected to you all, my readers. I read your blogs and i'm tossed into your shoes, I feel and understand how you are doing and what you are going through, and by wrighting of my life, I feel someone out there understands me alittle more. I've never been one to converse about my dayly feelings, and anything that pops in my mind stays there unless its with linaya or yannic (rather with cloe asia or annie and of coruse khrys) I'll wright another post soon, when I have more time explaining how these people have impacted my life and for the sake of a short blog, have saved me from myself. I could never thank them enough. 

OKAY~! enough medicatied induced rambling! and more ESSAY WRIGHTING FOR ME!

Ps.. If you are looking for a site to track anything, (work outs/ food intake) I highly suggest Lostit.com! i've used a many other sites, but this, by far, is the best yet!

Pst.. Smile! Your all so damn beautiful, no matter if you see it or not, I know you are, I've read your lives and I can say, without a doubt, You Are All So Beautiful And Inspiring. And you all mean alot to me as well. I know that may sound a tad creepy.. But With out you guys i'd be in bed filled to brim with self lothing.. sad I know.. But its true. So well, Thanks. To you all. You really make my days, and make me feel so much less alone trough this struggle. I love you all <3

1 comment:

  1. Awwwh! Now I'm happy since reading your blog! Good luck with your essay! :)
