
Words Whispered Just So...

The midnight's sky the blanket of stars
your gazing eyes, jewels from afar.
The howling wind, its eerie cry.
whispering softly, it'll all be fine
A beat of the heart, the flutter of leaves
so surreal could it truly be, more than a dream
that keeps calling to me.
I surrender my love
to the Goddess that be. undying loyalty, a warrior for the.
a protector, a saviour, a bringer of peace,
a quieted rage finally Deceased
for shes released the best in me
to fight for the better,
to be rid of the burdens that hindered the way.
a life in debt for the ease of pain
a vow to her. and nothing more
For as long as you love me i'm forever yours.
An eternity that lasted days.
should of stayed and kept you safe.
The Worlds full of poison i wished to be the cure
now i'm broken, shattered, full of fear.
i've lost her forever. but my heart is hers.
goodbye my love.. i'm forever yours.

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