
If You Really Knew Me:

If you really knew me, you'd know that I feel i'm never good enough. for anything. I cause more hurt then i'm worth and i only want to do good.

If you really knew me, you'd know that i'm invisible. I have a speech impediment which i'm very self conscious about, it holds me back from meeting anyone.

If you really knew me, youd know that i feel the world is flying past me. that i'm standing still while everyone is moving on to bigger things. if you knew me, you'd know i'm terrified of what i'm capable of.

But If You Really Knew Me, you'd know that Mia has taken over my life.. That I'm Scared.. That I Don't Know Where To Run.


  1. "If you really knew me, youd know that i feel the world is flying past me. that i'm standing still while everyone is moving on to bigger things. if you knew me, you'd know i'm terrified of what i'm capable of. "
    -I feel like this too. I see my friends and family growing and living and enjoying life. And i mean, i go to school and whatnot, but im not living or hanging with friends or doing anything to grow. It sucks...

  2. Anonymous14/9/10

    on hard choices, and things unkown. follow the heart for it knows home. if the path is not clear and thoughts are clouded you can always turn to one who'll defend you when you can not. don't be afraid to ask for help when it is needed.

    The Gray Defender.
