
When Everything

Is A Huge Bag Of Shit. It Dose Get Worse. 

Believe Me. I'd Know.


  1. Anonymous16/9/10

    Yes it does. But keep your head high. One day your dreams will come true. As hard as it gets if you ever need a frontline defense my shield is yous.

    Giga, The Gray Defender

  2. @ Giga, I know I should be asking for help, In All Honesty I Wish I Knew Where To Begin To Ask.. It gets overwhelming, and terrifying, and I'm ashamed and feel so damn alone. But You Know Me, I Don't Ever Want To Be A Burden On Anyone, so I keep in all inside..

  3. Anonymous16/9/10

    your not a burden. you'll never be a burdern.I know theres people who wish you'd stop thinking like that. but you are you. no matter what one that loves you will always Love you. we don't fall in love for the perfection we fall for the falws. from what i know you are a Amazing girl. any guy would be lucky to have you. I think its funny how the Unstable manage to stable eachother out. alway here for protection.

    Giga, The Gray Defender.
    Bellua, The enraged Beast.
