
And The Story Goes

She's Losing Her Way.

And perhaps her mind.. Its All X / X / X / *Mind Explodes*..
Yeah.. I got my report card yesterday.. Fail Fail Incomplete Incomplete. Yeah. So all that over stressing about getting withdrawn, and I was already kicked out! heh. Told Ya So. Either way, I'm allowed to be taken back if I send in my essay, and soon. I spent all day, and most of the day stressing and drinking coffee. Pushed out two unites for writing. And my art is soon to follow by the weekend. I can't let it come down to only pushing out work when they threaten to kick me out. I really can't. I'm going back to the doctors on Thursday, and well, the FMH contacted him so i hope it goes over smoothly regardless..

As for food related things? I haven't had a weight in a week perhaps. I don't want to know. I look slimmer? But I haven't been doing too much. I had a few binging moments. And vday I had a day of chocolate and bubbly. But really? I wake up and look at the scale, and I tell myself I dont want to ruin my day and simply put it back. I will weight in soon though. That time of the month is coming up in a few days, so maybe after that. I have a new workout plan, and maybe a food plan. I drew one up for naya to cause she wants to loose weight as well. But right now, I just want to do my home work, I want to grad, and be done with this BS job and living with mum. I want out.

I'm feeling so horrid lately.. It seems everyone that attempts to help me with my school work I shut down completely, I take my frustration and anger out on everyones attempts. I feel like such a horrid friend..

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