
My mussels hate me. This is fact.

I've been running/jogging/walking every morning so far this week, and since I've never stuck to any type of activity that long, my mussels hate me. Hence the reason why I'm writing this in the bath. The one my mother drew for me. As I was spoce to bike home.. But Yannic showed up..? Although he said he wouldn't? I'm not sure. All that matters is I'm in the bath. Yay.

Tomorrow I take my final test in family studies. After that I've only got English left and I grad! (finally) I can't wait. I think my meds are out to get me. Get me fat that is. I'm noming upwards of 1500 daily. Now since I'm working out I'd be loosing if I wasn't gorging myself! Ugh. Yeah.. Right now I'm trying to just keep up with my planned excerice. And so far it's working. I'm going to redo the 1980 diet again, cause I really enjoyed that one. And I'll be able to stick to it.

I should really stop focusing on diets and food and excerice.. And just finish homework already.. But it's hard.. I can't sit in one place long enough to do anything! It's hard when I know if I just focused I could finish my assignment in a few hours (instead of days..) but I just can't! Or don't want to? I'm not sure any more..

I'm up to four pen pals now. And it's sad that's the most human interaction I get some days.. Just lonely..

Lonely and fat (y)

Anywho, bath is getting cold, and Yannic is getting bored. Update when I've got wifi.

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