
Mixed nuts, fruit smoothies.

Everything from A to Z.

I think every once and while a good hardy shake is required, only to truly see how far you've come.

Jason is right, I've made leaps and bounds from where I've come and that is something to be proud of. A slip now and then is to be expected.

I've made progress with eating, exercising, social situations, and over all confidence. That's something to be proud of, as no change is over night and takes work.

I really am in a good place, and I'm working every day to better myself and my life. With Jason in my life, I don't think I would have ever made it this far, I owe so much to him. He really is my everything, and no amount of "I love you"s could ever cover it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous30/4/13

    You have come a long way Alice. Im so proud of you :-).
