
Some days..

I'd rather drink vodka and stay in bed.

I'm doing a lot better today, I realize now my last post was careless and has scared a few people.. I'm really sorry about that.

With the tappering off of my meds I'm really all over the place. I'm über hungry and lonely feeling as well.. (111.4..) but ill make it. My goal right now is 103.5 as then ill be classified under weight. Maybe I'll be happy then.

Asia has been super great lately, I always knew she was amazing, but as of late we have gotten super close and its really what I need. Together we are super awesome and have hit our goals thus far! We are back to being pen pals as well! Hehe it's nice having another friend, some one that's there and really gets it.

I'm heading to see a show tonight with Jason, going to see Emilie autumn, it's gonna be another Rio date night.. It's gonna be so great!

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