
Om nom nom?!

After Bite.

Got back from the camping trip and GOODNESS ME covered in bug bites!
*ichy ichy...*

Anywho.. I'm broke. Broke JOKE! yeah.. I regret jummping the gun with ya know.. quiting and ALL THAT! Now its all sorta hitting me like a HUGE brick wall.. I'm jobless come the 9th, and I've nothing lined up.. I've fixed up my resume and all that, and I've got a a few places to drop it off at.. but still.. the stress is still there.

I'm feeling restless. Body image is all over the place once again, and my food intake is well I havn't a clue. Yeah, its that bad. I'm trying to do good, but I don't know whats good any more I guess.. ah blah this post is depressing.

Mkay, well I've gotta go, upped dose of mah zoloft is waiting for me. Then bottom braces tomorrow :(

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