
Okay, To Be Honset

I've been lacking on the posting. NO EXCUSES! I know this blogging deal is soley for my benifits, and what ever ( if any) comments I get are a nice reminder I'm not really as crazy as I think.

(30 minute gap.. In which I got lost in Weird Al videos..)

*Ahem..* Any whom, I'm about to tweet Snookie.. Ask (plead) her to give me tips and tricks.. is that wrong? she's getting tiny! and well.. I'd love to hear from her! ah blah.. OKAY. Off to the drawing board! I NEED to kick my ass in gear! GYM RUNNING THIN THIN THIN. And well I need this. My work out and work time will be NUMBER ONE! Then everything else. I'll lose my self like before, I want it, Trigger Me Happy.
YES that means two meals, maybe one. NOTHING MORE.
YES that means diet pills, Caffeine Pills.
YES, running, moving everyday.

the scale will be god. end of story.

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