I Know You Read These Words...
But I Crave The Feed Back. I was terrified to reopen my blog, only cause I knew you'd see the words that pour out of me. Words that I carelessly trow out in to cyber-space for complete strangers to view. It just gets so damn hard some days. I want so much to be everything to you. I want to show you, to prove to you that I'm not stupid, I'm not wasting my life. I crave to be out there, to attend art school, make something of my self. I crave to see a look of approval. To earn a hardy well-done. I know its time for me to grow up. Its been a while since I've taken responsibility for my actions. For my faults. Just Wish So Badly When I Tell You I Love You, You'd Listen. Its more then just a repeated phrase. It means I'm yours. It means that I trust you with everything, even though I know I don't deserve it in return. It means, I'm So Damn Sorry, And That I Always Will Be. It means, For All The Times, All The Little Things, I Lie, Its So You Think I'm Okay. I'm really not. But that's for another post.