
An Open Letter, NOT To Be Posted On Facebook

Coming up fast, I'll be working security at the pride in my city, and I feel that of any time that would be the best to get t
his off my chest. As my blog reader you may already know, but for those that don't I'm bisexual, and this is what I plan to post after or during the festival to my Facebook, letting my family, friends and whom ever know. Then to forward it to Dan Savage, as he has really helped me with the struggle of self-acceptance, as I'm sure he has with many others.

The letter is as follows:

*just an update, Ive decided not to post this to facebook.

This weekend I worked security at Vancouver Pride Parade and festivity, and if you have a moment, there is something I'd like to tell you.

For a long while, I've felt ashamed, confused, and wished to denine this part of me. Because of media, social pressure norms, and peers all tell me the way I feel is wrong.

However, this world has come along way, bringing peoples understanding and acceptance with it.

It has taken me a long while to feel comfortable enough to say this out loud, even still I'm not sure the reactions I'll receive, but this is a part of who I am, and there is nothing wrong with that.

I am Bisexual, which means I find both men and women sexually attractive.

Really it doesn't sound like a big deal, but it is. And if more people felt they could come forward, like your boss, neighbor or best friend perhaps, then maybe, someday it wouldn't be such a big deal. Finally then acceptance would over power the shame and fear that these people, myself included, feel.

Attraction, stirring feelings, and most importantly love, is just that, regardless of ethnicity, religion or gender.
And to me, love is a very powerful thing. I hope it is to you as well.

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