
These Phases of The Moon

Goes just like so..

Alot has happened since my last few posts, and I would have updated forever ago, but being as busy as I've been, and well.. lacking internet connection really isn't a motivation booster, as typing out these long posts can be such a chore on my iPod. But I promised an update, so here it goes.

The last you heard from me, I was up in the air over quite a few things. I'm happy to say most of these sorted them selves out. One of thoes things being Yannic and i, now when I say this, I mean I finally grew the balls and we had a "talk". It's over. It ended dramatically with the classic, "if I leave out this door, I'm not coming back. What do you want me to do." and I said simply " I think you should go." and he left.

I think I feel worse because I don't feel that bad. I'm sure sooner or later it'll hit me full force with a "he is really gone, it's really over." but that's not now, ive already started to move on a long while ago, so it's not fresh for me anymore. But I don't fine any pleasure in hurting others, hence why it dragged on this long. But Jason was right, I was hurting him more but letting it drag on, by giving him that false hope.

Speaking of Jason, we've become closer, better friends and closer lovers (as corny as that sounds..) but really, being open and close with someone on this many levels reflects in the bedroom, as adventurousness and passion.

Even though it was a day and a half, in the sweetest (very middle school) way, he asked me to be his..  We are now "dating". Which is sorta silly cause it feels like we've been  in a realasionship for some time now, even though nothing was "official" but now it is, we even had champain to celebrate, very adult like ;-)

Tomorrow is another day at work, and work is another post all together.. But that's for another day..

PS hit 113.4 lbs. get enough blow in me and I'll see 109 sooner then later.
Xoxo think thin..

1 comment:

  1. Please try to be safe, okay? I won't tell you how to live your life like some people like to do, but no matter what, try to stay safe and don't die on me, okay?

    Lots of love,

