
Penn & Teller: Tell a Lie 1x01 A Head of Hair Can Lift A Mustang (2011) DivX - icefilms.info

Penn & Teller: Tell a Lie 1x01 A Head of Hair Can Lift A Mustang (2011) DivX - icefilms.info:

500 calories or one smoke? Yeah, I'd pick that one as well. I bought a pack the other day, just to get though fasting. I really did get though day one of my fast, got right down to 116.8, yeah you heard me correct. lowest I've been in a year(ish). I've been eating.. alot as of late.. got back up to 119, but this morning I've reached 117.4 so I'm happy about that. I've just gotta keep my intake down, and my smoking on the down low(er) (..as well with my blogging..) Any who.. Ho Hum.

I freaked out, I had em in my hand, right in the check out line, and I panicked. I couldn't buy them, I just couldn't. Down one pack of laxatives, up one pack of smokes.

I've been in contact with Annie and Asia, more so as of late. I've really missed talking to them! I've been able to talk to them about whats going on.

Blah, I've gotta work again today. Happy thanksgiving? sure.

'via Blog this'

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