I`ve noticed the long gaps of blog neglect, and it does`t stir me to write.
Ladies are Not Born, They are Made
Through my long search for a custom tea set, I`ve venchured further for any information I can find about victornian era etiquette. I do believe I`ve been born in the wrong era, and that my life would benifit if I studied how to be a lady. Of course this means a wardrobe over hal, and well, *shudders* studying. But in the end, I do see an over all improvement.
I've been attempting to journal, but, as with my blog, I'm failing to stick to anything. I enjoy writing my thoughts, but I feel the urge to rip out pages freshly written.
It's been about a week since I've seen Yannic, perhaps longer. He is away on a hunting trip, and lacks cell service (not to menchin I havn't any minutes. I'm planing on baking some cookies, and well tackle him the first chance I get. I've been missing him, a hell of a lot.
He wrote me a love letter the other day, my goodness, I loved it. It was his own sweet corny way, and well, made me miss him more.
Just this post has taken me three, four days, sad I know. I just don't feel the need to write anything down. Like nothing is anything, and it wouldn't make any difference. I think a step back to just go over everything. To sort out whats going on in my head, my heart, and my life. To go through my belongings, to reajust my priorities.
I'll be back soon, a post once and a while, but nothing too frequent. I know the desire will sir, I know it will. But for now, I'll sign off.
Think thin, follow your heart, and well, carry on.