
Little Miss Bumble

Bumble Sweet, Just As So.

I'm feeling pretty darn good with my self as of late. I've been making friends (online.. but they count!) even started drawing again, and to top it all off, two days ago I applied to BCIT.

I'm making progress, and some yappy deviant art troll will never bring me down!



Just Like So.

I've been walking this thin line between recovery, and relapse.
Been feeling very uncomfortable in my skin for a few weeks (most likely from no gym time) and then took a dive.. three days of laxatives and diurex and eating around five hundred calories (give or take) It shook me just enough however. I know I don't want that life, that obsession (Even when it gave me direction and purpose)

I wanna try, and live without those numbers in my head, and sleepless dreams after trying to feel for bones.

Maybe It's Finally My Time.


*clears throat*

I'm doing okay.

I'm having struggles, but that's okay, cause life throws shit at you, that is simply just how it is.
And I'm okay with that.


To be honest..

I enjoy thinking about you.

Your like warm memories of soft smiles (and kisses) they light up my cheeks every time. 

(Even if everything ends in pain.)

I don't have many of those left, or at all. I'm just glad it was with you.

..but to be honest, it hurts.. but I miss your warmth.